— work —

I work in low-latency trading as a quantitative researcher. I use mathematical models, statistics, and novel computational tools to build trading strategies that go very fast. I work with market microstructure, which in plain English means,

Modern financial markets are rule-based systems built on software and hardware in physical computers. The designs and capabilities of these systems have meaningful consequences for fast and effective trading.

I will not be blogging about this, however. Sorry!

— background —

I have a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where I was a graduate affiliate of the Elections Research Center. My graduate work focused on Bayesian and causal methods for studying elections, public opinion, and political ideology in the United States. My dissertation built new Bayesian models to measure latent political ideology in congressional districts.

I write a lot of Python, Julia, and R, for work and for fun. I am interested in programming languages as a general topic and functional programming in particular. My language frontier includes Haskell, Hy, and Racket.

— this site —

The source code for the site is on Github. The blog posts are all separate repositories for your cloning and forking needs; find them here. The site is built with Quarto, a multilingual publishing system backed by Pandoc, and hosted on Netlify.